Fires: Fávaro announces 24/25 Harvest Plan with access to financing for affected producers

Fires: Fávaro announces 24/25 Harvest Plan with access to financing for affected producers
The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, announced last Thursday (12) access to credit from the 24/25 Harvest Plan for producers affected by the recent fires registered in Brazil. The measure should be implemented through the Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems Financing Program (RenovAgro).

Latest data from the National Institute for Space Research (COMMIT) point out that, in 2024 alone, up until this Thursday, Brazil had registered more than 176 thousand fire outbreaks, with emphasis on the state of Mato Grosso, which had more than 39 thousand outbreaks.

For this harvest, R$7.6 billion was made available. Of this total, R$1.2 billion has already been contracted and released to rural producers. According to information provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Livestockthe remaining R$6.5 billion must be allocated to those affected by the fires.

Dairy farmer and corn silage producer Mirgon Jung, a resident of Salgado Filho (PR), says that every year he seeks financing through the Safra Plan. “We use the credit to buy seeds, fertilizer, herbicides, insecticides, so that we can produce, and also fuel to use in the tractor,” he says.

Brazil has already recorded 172,000 fire outbreaks in 2024; see how to minimize health impacts

According to Fávaro, the resources from this line of credit should encourage production in low-productivity areas, since the fires make the affected areas unproductive and degraded.

According to the Ministry of Environmentthe number of fires burning at the same time in different locations led authorities to open an investigation to find out whether some of them were of criminal origin. By the end of August, at least 31 investigations had been opened between the Amazon and Pantanal regions and two in São Paulo.

By Brasil 61

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