Fires: sector estimates loss of more than 400 thousand hectares of sugar cane across the country

Sugarcane crops were one of the most affected by the fires that hit the country last month, resulting in losses exceeding R$2.6 billion. Data from the Organization of Brazilian Sugarcane Producers Associations (ORPLANA) show that around 400,000 hectares of sugarcane were burned, predicting a crop failure of around 15%.

Sugarcane producers in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul were the most affected and the problem has not yet been resolved, recalls the CEO of ORPLANA, José Guilherme Nogueira.

“There are still conditions for more fires to occur, temperatures remain high, in some regions air humidity is still below 30% and with worsening winds that could cause more fires” highlights Nogueira.

Measures to combat fires

Faced with the problem and the historic drought affecting the country, the Provisional Measure (MP 1259/24) edited by President Lula was placed on an urgent basis for voting in Congress, which relaxes the rules for financial transfers to states for prevention and fighting fires.

In practice, the MP allows the Union, states and municipalities to issue loans and financing or receive donations from public and private banks to combat fires and irregular burning. Resources that can come from public banks, such as Caixa, or even BNDES.

Another measure taken by the federal government is the issuance of another provisional measure that releases R$514 million in extraordinary credit to combat forest fires spread across the country.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Justice, in partnership with the Federal Police, created a proposal that, among other measures, foresees an increase in prison time for those who commit crimes of deforestation, burning and trafficking in wild animals.

Among the measures planned are:

  • increasing the penalty for those who destroy permanent preservation areas — going from 1 to 3 years to 2 to 5 years in prison;
  • increase in the penalty for the crime of deforestation — from 2 to 4 years to 3 to 6 years;
  • obligation to pay a fine even if the crime was negligent, that is, committed without intention.

The vote in Congress is expected to be put on the agenda this week.

By Brasil 61

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