General Price Index fell 2.33% in May

The General Price Index – Internal Availability (IGP-DI) dropped 2.33% in May. In the previous month, the rate had been -1.01%. With this result, the index accumulates variation of -3.56% in the year and -5.49% in 12 months. In May 2022, the index had risen by 0.69% and had accumulated an increase of 10.56% in 12 months.

According to specialists, in terms of producers, deflation is driven by the drop in Diesel prices (-14.82%), and large commodities such as iron ore (-11.89%) and corn (-16.85% ). For consumers, the drop is felt mainly by the price of airline tickets (-17.91%) and gasoline (-1.97%).

The IGP-DI comprises three different indices: Wholesale Price Index (IPA-DI), Consumer Price Index (IPC-DI) and National Construction Cost Index (INCC-DI).

The Broad Producer Price Index (IPA) fell 3.37% in May. In the previous month, the index had fallen by 1.56%. The main factor responsible for the deceleration in the rate was fuel for consumption. Intermediate goods also fell, to -3.24%.

The drop in the price of corn (-16.85%), cattle (-5.25%) and iron ore (-11.89%) also contributed to this index. On the other hand, there was an increase in the price of soy, poultry and fresh milk.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) changed by 0.08% in May, after rising by 0.50% in April.

The National Construction Cost Index (INCC) changed by 0.59% in May, compared to 0.14% in the previous month.

By Brasil 61

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