Global economic environments improve in June, but in a range considered negative

Global economic environments improve in June, but in a range considered negative
There is a slight improvement in the global economy in June, after a previous month of decline and three previous months of stability.

Even though there is improvement, this result represents that the economy still oscillates in a range considered negative for recovery. The scenario reflects the difficulty in global economic activity in 2023, mainly in areas of Asia, the Pacific and Africa.

In June, the timid recovery occurred in view of improvements in the western economy.
There was an improvement in perceptions about the current situation and future expectations in this region.

According to researchers from the FGV, there are challenges of recovery in the world economy. Inflation is persistent, interest rates are high, there are armed conflicts in Europe and credit restrictions due to problems in the banking sector in the United States, the world’s main economy.

Therefore, the difficulty scenario occurs in 2023, internationally. The perception of weak activity is widespread across sectors and remains at levels below the historical average.

On the other hand, the Civil Construction indicator rose for the fourth time and reached the highest level since April 2022.

The data is measured by the Brazilian Institute of EconomicsIBRE-FGV.

By Brasil 61

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