Goiás: agricultural production is mainly focused on soy, cattle and corn

According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), the gross value of agricultural production (GPV) in Brazil reaches approximately R$1.2 trillion. This number reflects the relevance of the agricultural and livestock sector to the national economy. Among the country’s regions, the Midwest, South and Southeast stand out, concentrating more than 80% of total revenue.

Agriculture in Goiás is known for soy, corn, cotton, beans, rice, wheat, sugar cane, coffee and fruits. The gross value of agricultural production in Goiás of R$103 billion has soybeans, cattle and corn as its main products, which account for 62% of total revenues.

Despite the fact that the region of Goiás is predominantly dry in some periods, agronomist Charles Dayler explains that the state has gone through processes of modernization and adoption of advanced technologies, which contributes to the advancement of agriculture.

“We have the domestication of some crops, for example, we manage to produce rice in warmer regions, we migrate it from a colder region to here, so we will already have some areas of the Midwest producing rice , so we can see that, the perspectives are optimistic since the development movement of Brazilian agriculture is solid. So, both on the part of the productive sector and in the government chain, it is consistent and the trend is that this will remain”, explained Dayler.

In addition, agriculture in Goiás contributes to economic growth, job creation and has a positive balance in exports, boosting the development of the state.

By Brasil 61

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