GOIÁS: deadline for vaccinating the herd against rabies ends on May 31

The Government of Goiás and the Goiás Agricultural Defense Agency (Agrodefesa) remind cattle ranchers in Goiás that the deadline for vaccinating against rabies in herbivores ends on Wednesday (31). The measure is mandatory in 119 municipalities considered at high risk for the disease. This action includes cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep and horses (horses, mules and donkeys) of all age groups.

The coordinator of the State Herbivore Rabies Program of the Animal Health Management of Agrodefesa, veterinarian Fernando Borges Bosso, points out that vaccination is important to maintain the health of animals.

“The stage of vaccination against rabies of Herbivores in the state of Goiás in May 2023 is running within normal limits without major problems or intercurrences that could interfere with the expected result. It is extremely important to control and prevent the occurrence of an outbreak of this disease, because it is a fatal zoonosis. In addition to avoiding major agricultural losses, it also prevents the population from being exposed to this very serious disease, we hope to reach around 15 million vaccinated animals during this stage of 2023,” he highlights.

legal measures

According to the Goiás Agricultural Defense Agency (Agrodefesa), producers who do not vaccinate cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep and horses against rabies within the deadline will be penalized. A fine of 7,000 reais per non-vaccinated animal will be applied. Those who did not make any type of declaration of vaccination of the herd will be fined by 3 thousand reais, per land. All statements will be made via Goiás Agricultural Defense System (Sidago).

By Brasil 61

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