Government and Sebrae sign partnership for inclusive qualification of entrepreneurs

The Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Wellington Dias, and the president of Sebrae, Décio Lima, signed a protocol of intentions to guarantee professional qualification and employment for those enrolled in the Single Registry. The document was signed last Wednesday (5), at the launching ceremony of the Mixed Parliamentary Front for Micro and Small Companies, at the National Congress.

Wellington Dias highlighted the importance of small businesses for the country’s development and stressed that the government’s objective is for the sector to account for more than 50% of the national GDP. The minister claims that, together with Sebrae, the government will work on training small businessmen.

“President Lula’s big bet is with the micro, it’s with the small, it’s with those who not only put food on the table of the Brazilian people, but also guarantee the largest share of jobs. We will certainly exceed this 50% target”, he guaranteed.

The president of Sebrae, Décio Lima, praised the partnership with the federal government and the National Congress, especially through the parliamentary front, at a time when the tax reform is being discussed. For him, the performance of the working group in defense of small businesses is essential to face the difficulties of the sector in the country, in which 60% of Brazilians dream of undertaking.

“May this Parliamentary Front defend this sector, at a time when they are now going to face the tax reform. That this tax reform does not harm the micro and small business sector with changes, for example, unnecessary in Simples. That it does not negatively alter the policy created that induced, today, an activism that is legalized by 15 million Brazilians who are in the MEI. They are the portrait of a possibility of increasing income”, he pointed out.

The collegiate represents a space for discussion for the construction of public policies to support the segment, according to the president of the front, federal deputy Helder Salomão (PT-ES). For him, there is a need to reduce bureaucracy in the process of starting a business and expand the supply of training for those who want to undertake.

“Micro and small companies make a decisive contribution to strengthening national, regional and local development. They are strategic to strengthen the internal market, expand consumption, guarantee the generation of jobs and opportunities for our people and promote corporate citizenship”, he summarized.

small business

The opening of micro and small companies broke a record in the first quarter of 2023, surpassing the mark of 214,400 new ventures. The number is 9.2% higher than the same period last year. The sector accounts for 72% of jobs generated in the country in April. In addition, the segment moves about 30% of the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and represents 99% of the country’s companies. The data are from the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae).

By Brasil 61

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