Government collects proposals in Rio de Janeiro for the PPA

Government collects proposals in Rio de Janeiro for the PPA
Government collects proposals in Rio de Janeiro for the PPA
The 25th plenary session for the elaboration of the Participatory Pluriannual Plan (PPA Participativo), a meeting promoted by the federal government with the objective of incorporating the priorities indicated by civil society in the PPA for the period 2024-2027, collected proposals in Rio de Janeiro this Thursday ( 13).

The Minister of Planning and Budget, Simone Tebet, and the Ministers of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Márcio Macêdo, and of the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), Vinícius de Carvalho, heard the proposals of representatives of women’s movements, youth, the homeless and landless, the LGBTQIA+ population, among others.

The PPA plenary sessions have already gathered more than 30,000 people in 23 states and the Federal District, while the Brasil Participativo platform already has more than 1.1 million participants and received 6,923 proposals from the population.

The list of the most voted proposals can be accessed at Brasil Participativo platform. The page allows you to filter by area and order by number of votes.

The representative of Levante Feminista, Marta Moura, speaking on behalf of the women’s movements in Rio de Janeiro, proposed the creation of the Feminicide Observatory in Brazil with the aim of promoting the confrontation of this heinous crime.

“The idea is to collect data, analyzes and systematize them and make strategic indicators of racial femicides, lesbocides and transfemicides available to public administration, justice systems and civil society in order to contribute to the formulation and execution of public policies of prevention of this misogynistic violence that kills women every day in Brazil”, said the activist.

The Minister of Planning said that President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva had ordered the poor to be included in the federal budget, which should be done by the hands of the Brazilian people. “That’s what we’re doing here. Listening to you,” said Simone. “The Budget this year has the mark of transversality. There will not be a lack of issues related to sustainability, the issue of food security, the fight against hunger, poverty and social inequality, but there will also be a transversality of the issue of gender, race, sexual orientation”.

The PPA is one of the three budgetary laws in Brazil, alongside the Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias (LDO) and the Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA). It is always prepared in the first year of the presidential term and indicates what will be the priorities for investment of resources and for the creation of public policies. Through it, the axes, guidelines and strategic objectives of the government are defined, as well as the programs and goals that will allow the achievement of these objectives.

The Participatory PPA is a partnership between the Ministry of Planning and Budget, responsible for preparing the Pluriannual Plan, and the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic.

Also this Thursday, a plenary session will be held at the end of the day in Espírito Santo. The last plenary session takes place on Friday (14), in São Paulo.

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Orçamento,LDO,PPA Participativo,Plano Plurianual,Economia

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