Government launches policy for conservation and sustainable use of resources for food, agriculture and livestock

By decree, the federal government instituted the National Policy for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Public Genetic Resources for Food, Agriculture and Livestock, last Thursday (4).

Among other measures, the standard aims to conserve, sustainably use and enhance the value of genetic resources for food, agriculture and livestock. The policy also aims to guarantee the country’s sovereignty and food and nutritional security, in addition to expanding knowledge of genetic resources and the genetic basis of programs developed by research institutions.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), of the six thousand species of plants cultivated for food, only nine species represent 66% of global agricultural production. Such a concentration would pose a risk to food security.

The policy will be coordinated by three ministries. In addition to MAPA, the Ministries of Agrarian Development and Family Farming and Environment and Climate Change will also lead the initiative.

By Brasil 61

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