Government nominates new candidates for Petrobras boards

Government nominates new candidates for Petrobras boards
The Ministry of Mines and Energy sent Petrobras the names of seven more candidates who will run for Petrobras’ Board of Directors (CA) and Supervisory Board (CF). For the Board, Renato Campos Galuppo, Anelize Lenzi Ruas de Almeida and Evamar José dos Santos were nominated.

The government had already indicated, on March 8, eight names for eight vacancies destined for the Union in the CA: Pietro Adamo Sampaio Mendes (candidate for president of the CA), Jean Paul Prates (president of the state-owned company), Carlos Eduardo Turchetto Santos, Vitor Eduardo Saback, Eugênio Tiago Chagas Cordeiro and Teixeira, Wagner Victor, Sergio Machado and Suzana Kahn.

However, in order to be considered as candidates at the General Shareholders’ Meeting, the names must go through Petrobras’ internal governance bodies, where legal, management and integrity requirements are analyzed.

In this process, impediments can be found for the nominees to join the company’s boards. In order to avoid a delay in the holding of the meeting, the Union sent the name of three more nominees who can replace possible impediments in the original list.

Renato Galuppo is a lawyer and was a legal advisor to the Chamber of Deputies from 2007 to 2021. Anelize de Almeida also holds a Bachelor of Laws and has served in the Attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury since 2006, having assumed the position of attorney general in January of this year. Evamar José dos Santos has a degree in Business Administration and was a servant of the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais for 37 years, where he reached the position of Deputy Director General.

Fiscal Council

For the CF, Daniel Cabaleiro Saldanha and Cristina Bueno Camatta were nominated, as titular members, and Gustavo Gonçalves Manfrim and Sidnei Bispo, as substitutes.

Daniel Saldanha, attorney for the state of Minas Gerais, was state undersecretary for Institutional Relations and chief attorney of the Strategic Claims Attorney’s Office. Cristina Camatta, Federal Police (PF) delegate, is head of Social Communication at the PF Superintendence in Minas Gerais and deputy head of Interpol’s representation in the state.

Among the substitutes, Gustavo Manfrim is an economist and acts as special advisor for economic affairs at the Ministry of Mines and Energy, while Sidnei Bispo is an electronic engineer and has been on the board of directors and supervisory board of several companies.

Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Economia,Petrobras,Conselhos,Indicados,Conselho Fiscal,Conselho de Administração

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