Government sends bill of readjustment of 9% to federal servants

The message forwarding the project was signed by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The submission marks the last stage of the agreement between the government and the entities that represent the civil servants, signed last week.
The bill should adjust the Budget to grant a linear readjustment of 9% to all civil servants, without changing the allocation of R$ 11.2 billion that was foreseen in the Annual Budget Law (LOA) for the replacement of salary losses.
Regarding the 43.6% increase in food allowance, which went from R$458 to R$658, the Ministry of Planning and Budget reallocated part of the budget for personnel expenses to the benefits item, with no impact on the total amount. intended for readjustment.
Under the agreement, servers will receive a 9% linear salary adjustment starting in May, with payment on June 1. Submission of the bill is necessary to meet the requirements of the LOA and authorize the granting of the increase.
Foto de © Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom/Agência Brasil
Economia,projeto de lei,Orçamento,reajuste de servidores,Governo Federal,Congresso Nacional