Government wants shared use of poles with internet providers

Government wants shared use of poles with internet providers
The Minister of Communications, Juscelino Filho, said this Wednesday (14th) that the federal government will launch a policy for sharing electricity poles with telecommunications companies. According to him, the use of this infrastructure is important for the expansion of services, such as broadband internet.

“The sharing of these poles between telecommunications providers and the energy distributor is essential to make small providers viable. Currently, small-sized providers account for around 52% of the broadband market”, he pointed out when participating in the Telebrasil Innovations 2023 Panel, in the city of São Paulo.

According to the minister, the program, which will be called Poste Legal, will facilitate the expansion of the service in the country. “This policy seeks an isonomic and transparent management of access to poles, with remuneration based on costs”, he emphasized.

The policy, according to Juscelino Filho, is being discussed with the Ministry of Mines and Energy and with the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel). The intention, according to him, is to solve problems that arose from the lack of specific regulation for the use of this infrastructure. “The sharing of poles brought many problems such as disorderly occupation, lack of fixing points and visual impact in cities”, he enumerated.

Foto de © Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

Economia,internet banda larga,compartilhamento de postes de energia,telecomunicações

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