Government will decide on INSS payroll by next Tuesday

“On Tuesday (28), we have a new meeting of the Council (of Economic and Social Development). Until Friday (24th), we will try to reach a consensus on a new tariff. Otherwise, on Monday (27) we will have a government meeting to define our proposal to submit to the council on Tuesday. Therefore, on Tuesday we will have defined the new level of payroll”.
Last week, the National Social Security Council (CNPS) reduced the interest ceiling on payroll loans from 2.14% to 1.7% per month to INSS retirees and pensioners. The agency also reduced the rate limit for the payroll credit card from 3.06% to 2.62% per month.
At the end of the same week, several private and public banks, including Caixa and Banco do Brasil, suspended the INSS payroll loan offer. According to the Central Bank, only four financial institutions charged fees lower than 1.7% per month: Sicoob (1.68%), Cetelem (1.65%), BRB (1.63%) and CCB Brasil (1.31%). %).
According to the president of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), Sidney Oliveira, the government and the banks need to break the deadlock and reach a level that meets the aspirations of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s economic team and also allows for the viability payroll credit economy.
Foto de © José Cruz/Agência Brasil
Economia,Crédito Consignado,INSS