Harvest 2023 may break a record in wheat production

Wheat production in Goiás is expected to reach a historic milestone in the 2023 harvest, with an estimate of 183.9 thousand tons. According to the analysis by the Market Intelligence Management of the State Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Seapa), based on data released by the National Supply Company (Conab) last Tuesday (6/13), this volume represents the largest recorded in the historical series of culture in Goiás, which began in 1982.

The record is mainly driven by the increase in the area planted with wheat in the state, which reaches 80,000 hectares in the current harvest, also the largest ever recorded.

For the wheat harvest analyst, Élcio Bento, wheat production has doubled in recent years, bringing advantages to the producer who is starting to earn with food production.

“First remembering that our production number for this year estimates a harvest of 12 to 12.5 million tons, last year it was 11.2 million, so we would have gained 1 million tons, but if we were to think of a a little further back, a full production in Brazil, at most 5, 6 years ago it was a production of 6 to 7 million tons, so we are practically doubling wheat production. And that this has advantages, we can put the advantages inside the gate, that is, what the producer gets more, with the gain in wheat production ”, he said.

Compared to the previous cycle (2022), the estimated volume for Goiás wheat production in the current harvest represents a growth of 36.2%. The planted area projects an expansion of 33.3%.

Data from Conab’s 9th Grain Harvest Survey reaffirm Goiás as the third largest producer in the country, behind only Mato Grosso and Paraná. The report indicates that Goiás crops should deliver 31.0 million tons of grains in the 2022/2023 Harvest, representing an increase of 7.6% compared to the previous harvest.

In addition, there is growth in the planted area and average productivity, with a total area of ​​7.1 million hectares devoted to grains and an average yield of 4.4 tons per hectare, an increase of 1.7% and 5 .8% in relation to the previous harvest, respectively.

Conab also points out that Goiás continues to be the main national producer of sorghum, with 1.3 million tons, and of sunflower, with 48.7 thousand tons. With regard to the main crops, the state stands out as the third largest producer of soybeans (17.7 million tons), the fourth largest producer of corn (11.3 million tons) and beans (281.3 thousand tons ), and the fifth largest cotton producer (122.4 thousand tons).

By Brasil 61

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