IBGE: unemployment rate stands at 8.5% in the quarter ended in April

IBGE: unemployment rate stands at 8.5% in the quarter ended in April
The unemployment rate stood at 8.5% in the quarter ended in April. The index shows stability in relation to the quarter ended in January (8.4%) and a decrease in comparison with the quarter ended in April 2022 (10.5%). The data are from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD), released this Wednesday (31) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

The unemployed population, that is, those who looked for a job but could not find it, stood at 9.1 million people in April, showing stability in relation to January (9 million) and a drop of 19.9% ​​(minus 2.3 million people) compared to April last year.

The contingent of employed people, that is, those who are working in the country, stood at 98 million people, a decrease of 0.6% (less 605 thousand people) compared to January and an increase of 1.6% (more 1. 5 million people) compared to April 2022.

Foto de © Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

Economia,Desemprego,IBGE,Taxa de Desemprego,Pnad contínua

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