Import tax for purchases from abroad is harmful to retail

As the president of the IDV, Jorge Gonçalves Filho, explained, the entity has been following the matter more closely for three years and feels the need to fine-tune taxation in this sphere, something justified, above all, with the increase in demand during the covid-19 pandemic. 19.
“What we came to talk about, at this moment, is that this reduction that was made in the ordinance published this week is very harmful for retail, for the industry and could lead to strong unemployment, the closing of stores, something that is not visible immediately, but, the way it is, it could lead to these very bad consequences for the country, which needs to generate employment.
“We came to show the minister that we need, in a very short term, that we don’t want taxes, tax increases, we want equality, that our retailers, that those who work here, those who sell, the industry have the same conditions as those who bring products from outside. We have the entire payroll, state, federal, financial taxes, which must be included in this rate. A state rate has already been established and we need to work, this was the proposal with the minister, in the very short term, if possible , even before August, a rate that gives isonomy in the competition”, he explained.
The evaluation of the institute’s representatives is that the meeting was positive and that there was a sign of “understanding” by the government.
The director of the IDV Sergio Zimerman reiterated the speech of the president of the organization, emphasizing the argument pursued is the “equality of treatment”. “What we defend is equal treatment. If it can be taxed low for everyone, wonderful, but it doesn’t make sense for the tax for those who generate jobs in Brazil to be higher than those who sell outside Brazil”, he said.
Minister Haddad left after the meeting, without speaking to the press.
Foto de © Ministério da Fazenda/Ascom
Aliquota de importação,compra do exterior,ministro da Fazenda,Fernando Haddad,Economia