Import taxation will not be reversed, says Revenue Secretary

“We are not going to go back because the law is very clear. There is a taxation today and it is not being carried out. The Federal Revenue is already taking measures in relation to the effectiveness of this current legislation and the proposals that we are indicating and which should be announced very soon refer to instrumentalizing the Federal Revenue to enforce the law that already exists today”, said Barreirinhas during a press conference to explain the draft Budgetary Guidelines Law (LDO) of 2024.
The secretary made the statement when answering a question about whether the government intended to reach a compromise in the taxation of parcels coming from abroad. Last week, the Ministry of Finance and Revenue announced their intention to reinforce the inspection of orders, through the completion of an advance declaration by the selling company and the end of the exemption for orders between individuals of up to US$ 50, a benefit regulated by a normative instruction from the Tax Authorities.
According to Barreirinhas, the withdrawal of the 60% rate of Import Tax on parcels is not under discussion. “If the company declares properly, it does not put the name of any natural person as the sender. If it declares the good correctly, this tax is already collected”, he added.
The secretary reiterated that the measures do not constitute the creation of a tax because the government is just fighting loopholes and reinforcing a charge that already exists, by taxing orders from companies to individuals. According to him, the measure will ensure fair competition with e-commerce companies that collect taxes.
“For those companies that act correctly, nothing changes. For the consumer who buys from them, nothing changes. What we are even doing is justice in relation to the companies that compete in this environment”, commented Barreirinhas.
Despite the negative reaction from consumers on social media, the Revenue Secretary said he had received praise from national e-commerce companies. “Many of the companies have already come forward to support the measure”, declared the secretary. Currently, Brazilian and foreign retailers with branches in the country complain about unfair competition from sites Asians who send goods with a private individual and split orders to be exempt.
Barreirinhas reiterated that the new tax framework, which should be sent to Congress this Tuesday (18), does not provide for tax increases, but the closure of some loopholes for non-payment of taxes. The secretary stated that some measures to increase revenues have already been announced and others will be announced in the second half.
Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil
Economia,comércio eletrônico,Receita Federal,Importação,Pessoa Física,IPI,compras online