In 2020, for every BRL 1.00 generated by the economy, 6.2 liters of water were consumed

In 2020, 6.2 liters of water were consumed for each real of gross value added (VAB) generated by the Brazilian economy. This is one of the data released on Friday (02) in the Water Environmental Economic Accounts, carried out between IBGE and the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency.

According to experts, water is important for the economy, being used by all economic activities

The water consumption intensity indicator stands out in the agriculture, livestock, forest production, fishing and aquaculture sectors. Compared to the previous year, there was a decrease of 27.2%.

Considering the total use of water, instead of consumption, when excluding the volume that returns to the environment, there was a greater intensity of water use by hydroelectric plants in the Electricity and gas activity.

117.5 liters per day corresponds to the per capita use of household water.

In 2020, the gross value added (VAB) of the Water and sewage economic activity was R$ 48.2 billion. This value refers to the activity’s contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and corresponds to 0.7% of the current gross added value of the country’s economy.

By Brasil 61

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