In April, the National Civil Construction Index was 0.27%

In April, the National Civil Construction Index was 0.27%
The National Civil Construction Index reached 0.27% in April, 0.07 percentage points above the March rate, which was 0.20%, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

Economist Newton Ferreira explains what may have caused this rise in the index. “This increase may have happened seasonally in April in relation to materials, because there may have been an excess of demand or even an increase due to the cost of producing these materials. We have to observe the trend, as we look back, 12 months, growth down to 8.05, compared to what had been happening in March”, he clarified.

In the last 12 months, the index accumulated was 8.05%, below the 9.06% registered in the immediately previous twelve months. The national cost of construction, per square meter, increased in April to R$ 1,693.67, of which R$ 1,006.82 related to materials and R$686.85 to labor.

In April, with regard to labor, the rate was 0.05%, registering a decrease of 0.35 percentage points in relation to March, when the index was 0.40%. The share of materials was 0.42%, a significant increase in relation to the previous month, when the index was 0.07%.

About this rise in material recorded by the index, economist Newton Ferreira highlights a medium-term view: “We have to observe over time, there is a tendency that if there is a recovery in economic activity, civil construction ends up responding, and this ends up causing price increases, because industries are not always able to meet consumption”, he explained.

From January to April, the accumulated indexes were 0.56% in materials and 1.30% in labor. Those accumulated in 12 months were 6.60% in materials and 10.21% in labor.


By Brasil 61

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