Income Tax: Federal Revenue has already received more than 32 million declarations

More than 32 million taxpayers have already submitted their Individual Income Tax (IRPF) declaration, according to the Federal Revenue Service. The tax authorities expect to receive around 39.5 million declarations by May 31, the final date for sending the document. The accountant at CSL Assessoria Contábil, Claudionei Santa Lucia, suggests that taxpayers who have not yet sent the declaration seek a professional to prepare the document without errors.

“Tips for those who haven’t made the declaration yet are, for example, to organize themselves to look for the documentation that is still missing, make contact with the paying sources and look for the necessary documents so that they can fill in the appropriate deadline. If this is not done, it could cause serious damage. So, it would be interesting to look for a professional who would be able to prepare the declaration correctly and without mistakes.”, he says.

The minimum fine for those who fail to deliver within the deadline is R$ 165.74, which can reach up to 20% of the total amount of tax due. According to tax law specialist Victor Gadelha, the taxpayer should be aware if they fall into the Fiscal Mesh, known as the fine mesh — when, after analysis, differences are found between the information provided by the taxpayer and third parties, such as financial institutions, for example.

“The best way to do this is by monitoring the status of your claim. It is by monitoring the status of your statement after it has been transmitted. So, every taxpayer can access their e-CAC account, which is the Federal Revenue’s virtual service center, and check whether or not it generated any pending items. If the taxpayer corrects it, that is, makes a correction before being inspected, he will not even have to pay a fine on top of the amounts resulting from this correction”, he explains.

The Federal Revenue recommends using the pre-filled declaration to reduce the number of errors. However, the body warns that, even so, all information must be checked and validated before sending. So far, 22% of taxpayers have used the pre-filled declaration, one of the novelties of the year 2023.


Almost 65% of taxpayers who have already declared income tax have amounts to be received. Payment of the first batch of refunds will be made on May 31st to 4,129,925 taxpayers, in the total amount of RS 7.5 billion, the largest amount ever paid in one batch. To find out if you will receive your refund on the first batch, simply access the IRS website.

The schedule obeys the following order of priority: people over 80 years old; over 60 years of age, with a disability or serious illness; whose main source of income is teaching; and who used the pre-filled statement or indicated Pix for the refund. The following will be included in the first batch:

Planned schedule for IR refunds

  • 5/31 – First batch
  • 6/30 – Second batch
  • 7/31 – Third batch
  • 8/31 – Fourth batch
  • 9/29 – Fifth and last batch

who must declare

The citizen who lives in Brazil and received taxable income above R$ 28,559.70 in the year, or about R$ 2,380 per month, including wages, pensions, pensions and rents; also those who received income exempt, non-taxable or taxed exclusively at source above R$ 40 thousand; and who obtained, in any month, a capital gain on the sale of assets or rights subject to the incidence of tax. You must also declare who had, on December 31, possession or ownership of goods or rights, including bare land, with a total value greater than R$300,000.

Among those who operate on stock, commodity, futures and similar exchanges, only those who, in the calendar year, made a sum of sales, including exempt, greater than R$ 40,000 are obligated; and operations subject to the levy of the tax. In relation to rural activity, the citizen must also declare that he obtained gross income in excess of R$ 142,798.50; that intends to compensate, in calendar year 2022 or later, losses from previous calendar years or from calendar year 2022 itself.

By Brasil 61

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