INDICATORS: fat ox arroba has a price reduction this Friday (20)

INDICATORS: fat ox arroba has a price reduction this Friday (20)
INDICATORS: fat ox arroba has a price reduction this Friday (20)
The value of arroba of fats cattle began on Friday (20) with a drop of 0.73% and the product is traded at R$ 284.90 in São Paulo. In Goiânia, the product is offered at R$ 256. In Barretos and Araçatuba, in São Paulo, the arroba is offered at R$ 264.

The value of a kilo of frozen hen has not modified and the product continues to be offered at R$ 7.03. The value of chilled hen per kilo has not modified both and the product continues to be offered at R$ 7.26.

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Within the monetary market, the worth of the particular pork carcass has not modified and the product continues to be traded at R$ 9.66. In Minas Gerais, stay pigs promote for R$6.96. In Paraná, the product is offered at R$ 6.14. The values ​​are from Canal Rural and Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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