INDICATORS: fat ox registers a drop in price this Wednesday (18)

INDICATORS: fat ox registers a drop in price this Wednesday (18)
The worth of the arroba of fats cattle began on Wednesday (18) with a drop of two.82% and the product is traded at R$ 279.50 in São Paulo. In Goiânia, the product is bought at R$ 257. In Barretos and Araçatuba, in São Paulo, the arroba is bought at R$ 264.

The worth of a kilo of frozen hen has not modified and the product is bought at R$ 7.02. The worth of a kilogram of chilled hen additionally didn’t change and the product is bought at R$ 7.18.

Within the monetary market, the value of particular pork carcass fell by 4.38% and the product is traded at R$ 9.61. In Minas Gerais, dwell pigs promote for R$6.96. In Paraná, the product is bought at R$ 6.19. The values ​​are from Canal Rural and Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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