INDICATORS: Ibovespa opens on Wednesday (24) down 0.26%

The Ibovespa opened on Wednesday (24th) down 0.26% and is quoted at 109,928 points. The biggest increases of the day were due to the shares of Petrobras, quoted at R$ 26.25, of Suzano, quoted at R$ 45.86, of Bradesco, at R$ 16.05 and of Itaú Unibanco, at R$ 26 .57.

The biggest drops were due to CVC Brasil, whose shares were quoted at R$ 3.04, BRF, at R$ 7.75, Usiminas, at R$ 7.49 and Magazine Luiza, at 3.66.

The most traded shares in cash were Vale, Petrobras, Bradesco, B3 and iShares Bova. In the forward market, the largest negotiations were carried out by Energisa, Weg, Eletrobras, Magazine Luiza and Vale.

The fall experienced on the stock exchange this morning is influenced by international movements in the market. In this case, the uncertainty of the approval of the US debt ceiling and a possible unprecedented default that could affect the global economy.

In Brazil, investors are also following developments in the proceedings, in the Chamber of Deputies, of the new fiscal framework, known as the “new fiscal framework”. On Tuesday night (23), the Chamber approved the basic text of the rule that replaces the spending ceiling. The effects of this approval should be felt by the market throughout this Wednesday. The text was the target of criticism from government supporters and economic agents.

By Brasil 61

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