INDICATORS: price of live cattle starts on Friday (24) with an increase of 6.03%

The price of arroba for fat cattle started on Friday (24th) with the price of a 15kg arroba, registering an increase of 6.03%, being negotiated at R$ 292.90. In the state of São Paulo, the price of live cattle rose 1.02%, trading at R$ 281.10.

The price of a kilo of frozen chicken has not changed in price and is sold at R$ 7.19. On the other hand, the kilogram of chilled chicken recorded a drop and the product is sold at R$ 7.25, a drop of 11.69% in the price of the product.

The special pork carcass did not change in price and the product continues to be traded at R$ 10.50. In Minas Gerais, live pigs sell for R$7.18. In Paraná, the product is sold at R$ 6.58. In Santa Catarina, the product costs R$ 6.56. The information is from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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