Industrial production rises in 11 of 15 regions surveyed in March

Industrial production rises in 11 of 15 regions surveyed in March
Industrial production grew in 11 of the 15 locations surveyed by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), from February to March. According to the Monthly Industrial Survey – Regional Physical Production, released this Friday (19), the highest increases were registered in the states of Mato Grosso (9.3%), Amazonas (8.7%) and Pernambuco (8.1% ).

But it was Rio Grande do Sul, with a greater weight of industry than the other three states that had the highest rises, which most contributed to the national expansion of 1.1%. The state presented growth of 5.6%. “The March result comes after two straight months of negative results. Some sectors that previously had a negative trajectory, in March showed growth. Those for motor vehicles and petroleum derivatives impacted the performance of the industry in Rio Grande do Sul. This advance in the state also eliminates part of the accumulated loss in the two previous months, of 11.5%”, says IBGE analyst Bernardo Almeida.

There were also increases from February to March in the states of Bahia (5.6%), Pará (4.3%), Ceará (4%), Minas Gerais (1.5%), Rio de Janeiro (0.7%) and São Paulo (0.2%). The only region surveyed, the Northeast, grew 6.8%.

On the other hand, four states had a decrease in the rate: Espírito Santo (-1.8%), Santa Catarina (-1.4%), Goiás (-1.4%) and Paraná (-1.3%).

In the accumulated 12 months, however, only six places were discharged, while in nine there was a decrease.

New data

For the first time, in this edition of the survey, the IBGE also released the result for the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Mato Grosso do Sul and Maranhão, in addition to the 15 traditionally surveyed.

Compared to March 2022, there was an increase in nine of the 18 areas surveyed, with emphasis on Amazonas (23.5%), Mato Grosso do Sul (8.6%) and Minas Gerais (7.3%). In Rio Grande do Norte, the industry grew 1.3%, while in Maranhão, the advance was 6.6%.

On the other hand, nine areas had decrease, with emphasis on Rio Grande do Sul (-6.5%) and Goiás (-5.3%).

In the accumulated result for the year, 13 areas had decrease, among them Rio Grande do Sul (-9.2%), Mato Grosso (-7.4%) and Bahia (-5.2%). In five, there was an increase, the biggest one being in Amazonas (14.8%).

Foto de © REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker

Economia,Produção Industrial,IBGE,pesquisa Industrial Mensal

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