INSS: 2nd installment of the 13th available; see payment schedule

Retirees and pensioners of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) have already started receiving the second installment of their 13th salary. Until June 7th, more than 33.6 million policyholders will receive payment, according to the last digit of the Social Registration Number (NIS).

Payment of the second installment for insured people who receive a minimum wage (R$1,412) has already started. Those who have an income above the minimum will start receiving payments from June 3rd.

Check out the full calendar:

The president of the Regional Accounting Council, Sucena Hummel, recommends that policyholders check their debts and their variable and fixed expenses, using the money received to organize their financial lives.

“If you have any debt, prioritize payment, especially those with high interest rates. Plan your annual expenses thinking about IPVA, IPTU, health insurance. And if possible, if there is a reserve left, identify and make an investment to have an emergency reserve. It is very important to organize and pay off debts, so that people do not end up paying high interest rates”, he highlights.

How to access the values?

The extract with the values ​​is available at portal and in the Meu INSS application.

Those who do not have internet access can check the prices and calendar by calling 135. Service is available from Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 10pm.

Rio Grande do Sul

Due to the intense rains and floods that hit Rio Grande do Sul, payments to policyholders receiving assistance and social security benefits, which would be credited from May 24th to June 7th, began to be paid on Friday (24th).

If the local bank branch is closed, it is recommended to check the bank’s service channels for an alternative or closer unit for assistance.

The information is from the Ministry of Social Security.

Read more:

With the payment of the 13th INSS, beneficiaries must be aware of scams

Amendment proposes a social security rate of 14% for all municipalities

By Brasil 61

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