INSS: civil servants’ strike leads policyholders to use digital services

Publication date: July 20, 2024, 12:04 AM, Last updated: July 20, 2024, 10:53 PM

With the strike by employees of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), the agency is advising people to access services through the digital platform. Anyone who needs expert assistance to obtain sickness benefits should access Atesmed – a remote document assessment service – which eliminates the need for an in-person assessment.

In cases of medical examination for temporary disability benefits, the insured must request the conversion of the appointment into an examination for Astemed.

According to the institute, more than 100 services can be scheduled through the Meu INSS website, which also has a mobile version (app) or through the telephone call center 135, which operates from Monday to Saturday, from 7 am to 10 pm.


On Tuesday (16) INSS employees went on an indefinite strike. Their demands include restructuring and recognizing the Social Security career as typical of the State; compliance with the 2022 strike agreement; higher education for Social Security Technicians; incorporation of bonuses; a 30-hour workday for all and compliance with the working hours provided for by law, in addition to the recovery of salary losses from recent years.

By Brasil 61

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