INSS needs resources to reduce queues, says Carlos Lupi

INSS needs resources to reduce queues, says Carlos Lupi
Social Security needs resources to reduce queues at the National Social Security Institute (INSS), said this Monday (24) the Minister of Social Security, Carlos Lupi. He met with the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, to ask for funds to fulfill the election campaign promise to end queues in the granting of retirement benefits and pensions.

According to Lupi, in order to clear the INSS queues, the government needs to make a budget supplement (allocation of funds) to grant up to 900,000 more benefits than expected and zero the queue in 2023.

“For what is being foreseen of vegetative growth, of 1.1 million (beneficiaries) per year, which grows every year, the resources are foreseen and budgeted. In addition to this vegetative growth of around 1 million, we will have 800,000 to 900,000 more (beneficiaries). So, we also have to find a payment solution”, declared Lupi.

The Social Security Minister said it was not possible to predict the impact of the additional benefits on the Budget. In addition to the value of benefits varying, informed Lupi, it is necessary to check the weight of each benefit in the queue. He also cited the lack of expert doctors as a reason for the delay in queues.

“This is not a simple issue to resolve. There are several different types of problems. You have the expertise. The person is on medical leave, and experts assess whether that leave is appropriate. These are people who apply for disability retirement and need to undergo a medical examination for this, ”she said. According to Lupi, there are 3,500 expert doctors currently working.

Lupi reiterated that he intends to eliminate the INSS queue by the end of the year. He promised that all beneficiaries will have their benefit application processes decided within 45 days, the traditional deadline for analysis by the INSS.

Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

Economia,INSS,Previdência Social,Carlos Lupi,Fernando Haddad

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