INSS payroll interest will be defined by Friday

He met with the executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Gabriel Galípolo, this afternoon to discuss the matter.
“The level set by the Council (National Social Security) of 1.7% (per month) does not meet the cost structure of banks. So much so that public banks have also stopped granting payroll loans, that is, Banco do Brasil and Caixa have stopped because they cannot bear the 1.70% rate”, said Sidney after the meeting.
The president of Febraban also declared that financial institutions are willing to negotiate and indicated that an intermediate solution should be found. “We need to get out of this impasse. There is a whole disposition of Febraban, of the banking sector so that we can find the level that can, on the one hand, meet the government’s desire and, on the other hand, allow the economic viability of payroll loans”, he added.
On Monday (20) night, the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic released a note in which it stated that it awaits a new meeting between representatives of the government and the financial system, scheduled to take place by the end of this week. “There is the possibility of raising the interest rate ceiling, but it is necessary to wait for the result of this meeting. The expectation is to reach an agreement on the rate,” the statement said.
“There is a forecast that next week, the Minister of Social Security will call a new meeting of the National Social Security Council (CNPS) to discuss the issue”, added the Civil House.
The communiqué came out after a meeting between the ministers of the Civil House, Rui Costa; from the Farm, Fernando Haddad; and Social Security, Carlos Lupi, at the Planalto Palace, to debate the matter. Also present at the Galípolo meeting were the executive secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Francisco Macena, in addition to the presidents of Caixa Econômica Federal, Rita Serrano, and of Banco do Brasil, Tarciana Medeiros.
Last week, the National Social Security Council (CNPS) reduced from 2.14% to 1.7% per month the interest on payroll loans to retirees and INSS pensioners. The agency also reduced the rate limit for the payroll credit card from 3.06% to 2.62% per month.
At the end of last week, several public and private banks, including Caixa and Banco do Brasil, suspended the offer of INSS payroll loan. According to the Central Bank, only four financial institutions charged fees lower than 1.7% per month: Sicoob (1.68%), Cetelem (1.65%), BRB (1.63%) and CCB Brasil (1.31%). %).
Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil
Economia,juros do consignado,INSS,Febraban,instituições financeiras