IR 2023: Federal Revenue opens consultation on the second batch of refunds

IR 2023: Federal Revenue opens consultation on the second batch of refunds
Consultation on the second batch of 2023 Individual Income Tax (IRPF) refunds is now available to taxpayers. Approximately 5 million people who delivered the declaration will receive the amount corresponding to what was withheld, on June 30th. Retired Federal Revenue lawyer, consultant and tax analyst, Francisco Pinto, says that this query is to find out whether all or part of the amount withheld at source for 2022 has been returned.

“When filling out the declaration, the taxpayer determines the definitive situation, called the annual adjustment declaration, and then in this calculation the taxpayer can determine whether there is tax to be paid, tax to be received or nothing. The refund, therefore, is the return of all or part of the amount withheld at source eventually paid in 2022 for the 2023 declaration”, he points out.

To consult the refund, it is necessary to enter the Federal Revenue website on the internet and click on the items “My Income Tax” and “Consult the Restitution”. Taxpayers who are entitled to legal priority will be the first to receive the refund. The retired tax analyst at the Federal Revenue explains that people should be aware of the status of the declaration and check if there is any pending.

“You need to make sure whether or not you made a mistake. If you made a mistake, just make a corrective statement based on the statement you already transmitted. You query the mesh to find out the type of pending. When submitting the amending statement, you can add, delete or change information after you transmit the statement. After a day or two, all you have to do is check to find out whether or not you have left the fine mesh”, he advises.

Francisco Pinto recalls that the refund will be paid in 5 lots. The first was deposited on May 31. The next one will be on June 30th. The other batches will always be on the last day of the months of July, August and September.

If the refund is not deposited in the account informed in the statement, the amounts will be available for redemption for up to one year at Banco do Brasil. In this case, citizens will be able to schedule the credit in any bank account that has their name, through the BB Portal or by calling the bank’s Relationship Center, on telephones 4004-0001 (capitals), 0800-729-0001 (other locations) and 0800-729-0088 (special exclusive telephone number for the hearing impaired).

By Brasil 61

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