Is it just the BC’s fault these high interest rates we have?

Is it just the BC’s fault these high interest rates we have?

Government officials, the press, economists and onlookers blame the BC for the high interest rates we have. And also because of the difficulty of having a more well-behaved interest rate. In other words, it is easier to blame others for the probable economic downturn than to have suggestions for how to get out of this predicament.

Questions we can analyze:

  • Who is to blame for the high public debt?
  • Could it be that if there were no interesting interest rates, would there be financial institutions interested in financing the public debt?
  • Have we reduced public spending so that we can charge for a reduction in interest rates?
  • Do we have government plans? Or only with the approval of the framework and tax reforms can we demand a reduction in interest rates?
  • Do we have proposals for a reduction in interest rates to attract investors with “clear rules”?
  • Do we have options for investors to stop paying the high Brazil cost, largely due to the exposure we have to the world with corruption, interference in public bodies, setbacks, among others…?

Being a rock at this moment is easy, I want to see and give tips, look for solutions so we can get out of this crossroads. And we all know who is the main culprit for being in it… or seeing what is happening in the country around the “3 powers”, any intelligent investor would analyze his entry into the country.

Let’s not forget that we are going through an epidemic, we have clashes around the world with wars and friction between large countries, inflation and high interest rates around the world, and some countries already see a slowdown in their economies that can be promoted to a global recession, that aside the problems that we have in the country, with an “ecolytic” out of control.

So is it only the BC that is largely to blame for all these high interest rates?

Active government, happy people, is it?

Coming to almost 150 days of government, still nothing new in economic proposals. We are dependent on Congressional approval of the fiscal framework. And that’s just what we’ve seen, the rest are promises.

By Brasil 61

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