Lecture in Rio teaches how to establish a healthy relationship with money

“Financial education is essential for all social classes. The idea is to help people plan better, to have a budget, to understand the standard of living so that they can make better choices”, says expert Teresa Lustosa, from the Brazilian Association of Financial Planning (Planejar).
According to her, Brazil has a big problem with indebted and defaulting people, which got worse during the covid-19 pandemic. Lustosa observes that the organization of financial life creates conditions to solve debt problems and to fulfill personal dreams and plans.
According to data from the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC), the share of Brazilian families with debts, overdue or not, reached 77.5% in March this year. This is the highest proportion of debtors since the beginning of the entity’s survey in 2010.
“When citizens understand the factors that influence their financial choices, they are able to balance their immediate desires with their long-term needs. One of the effects of this is an increase in the habit of saving, an important pillar of financial education. that a financially educated citizen also contributes to collective well-being, either because this qualification results in a more solid and efficient financial system, or because each person has better conditions to deal with emergencies and difficult moments in life”, says Teresa.
The lecture is part of the events held in Rio de Janeiro by the Brazilian Credit Cooperative System (Sicoob) for the 10th National Week of Financial Education. The program that ends tomorrow (19) is completely free and also includes courses, workshops, publicity campaigns, among other actions with the aim of making people aware of the importance of financial planning, decisions about finances and consumption that promotes their well-being.
Lectures are given by volunteers from partner entities such as the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), the Credit Protection Service (SPC), the Consumer Protection Center of the Public Defender of Rio de Janeiro (Nudecom) and Planning, among others.
During the 10th National Week of Financial Education, services are also being provided to the public for assistance and guidance on individual micro enterprise (MEI), legal guidance for CPF with restriction and individualized financial guidance.
Carlos Augusto Souza, 32, was in line waiting for his turn. He worked as a baker, became unemployed and contracted debt during the pandemic. “I was passing by and they told me that they had assistance to solve problems with the SPC”.
Erinaldo Dias, 45, self-employed carpenter, came to Sebrae in search of information on how to become a MEI. “At my age, I already have difficulties in getting a job with a formal contract. I want to have my own business and this could be the opportunity”. He was present at the lecture and said he will solve other problems, such as the debt he contracted during the pandemic.
“With the National Financial Education Week, we are committed to bringing financial education to the population. In this edition, we are increasing the area of action and dialogue, consequently expanding our commitment to ensuring the development of the community where we operate”, says Nábia Jorge, Director of Development at Sicoob UniMais Rio.
*Intern under the supervision of Léo Rodrigues
Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil
Economia,dinheiro,semana nacional,Educação financeira