Live cattle register a 0.14% drop in price and the product is traded at R$ 231.80

Live cattle register a 0.14% drop in price and the product is traded at R$ 231.80
The price of live cattle began this Friday (10) with a drop of 0.54% and the product is traded at R$ 231.80, in the state of São Paulo.

In relation to a kilo of frozen chicken, there was an increase of 0.14% in value, after a sequence of two days of price stability, and the product is sold at R$ 7.15. A kilo of chilled chicken, in turn, had an increase of 0.27% in price and the product is sold for R$7.32. For both products, the reference regions are Greater São Paulo, São José do Rio Preto and Descalvado.

The price of special pork carcasses increased by 0.62% and the merchandise is sold at R$9.76 in wholesalers in Greater São Paulo.

For a kilo of live pig, there was a tendency for prices to rise in practically all states analyzed by Cepea, as is the case of Minas Gerais, where there was a 0.58% increase in price and the product is sold at R$6, 91. Only São Paulo showed stability, where the product continues to be traded at R$6.57.

The information is from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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