Lula says that week was victorious, after approvals in Congress

On your weekly show Conversation with the President, Lula recalled that the PT and the left have just over a hundred deputies in the Chamber and that, to obtain a simple majority in the House, at least 257 votes are needed. “This shows how much we need to negotiate in order to build governance,” said Lula.
He highlighted that this governance “was built to vote on tax policy, but not because it was in the interests of (Fernando) Haddad or Lula, but because it was something in the country’s interest”, which needs tranquility and peace to create conditions to make the economy grow and, above all, for this growth to be shared among all Brazilians.
“That’s what we’re trying to build, reducing the ability to pay taxes, but increasing the number of people who will pay. The government can charge less and collect more because there are more people paying. We then inhibit tax evasion”, said the president.
“That’s why CARF’s approval was important. It is here that negotiations between debtors and the Treasury take place. But when there was a tie, the evader won. We then resolved that it should have a tie-breaking vote, and we had the government cast the tie-breaking vote,” he added.
Lula reaffirmed that all this is the result of negotiation. “It’s not ‘in giving you get’. It’s negotiating, as good negotiation practice exists all over the world”, she added.
For the president, he says that this scenario of advances is perceived by the population, making them more optimistic:
“People who were pessimistic are seeing the dollar fall and the economy grow. They are seeing signs that wages and jobs will grow. People are becoming more optimistic because inflation is falling and interest rates will soon start to drop, even with the president of the Central Bank being stubborn and stubborn”.
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Conversa com o Presidente,Lula,Congresso Nacional,Reforma Tributária,Economia