Mapa launches Multi-Year Plan aimed at attention to agricultural health

Mapa launches Multi-Year Plan aimed at attention to agricultural health
This week, the Multiannual Plan of the Unified System of Attention to Agricultural Health (PPA-Suasa) was launched for the period between 2023 and 2027. The strategy was prepared by the Secretariat of Agricultural Defense of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) and establishes the objectives and goals of Agricultural Defense at the federal and state levels. The project is considered the first integrated planning of the National Agricultural Defense and was structured with the participation of the Agricultural Defense Agencies of the states of six states: Goiás, Minas Gerais, Bahia, São Paulo, Paraná and Roraima.

With the PPA-Suasa, the main benefits are expected to be greater intragovernmental integration and alignment, improved management by results, increased recognition of the importance of Suasa, greater adherence of planning to local realities and improved transparency of deliveries. “A tool for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of this planning was included in the planning strategy. We have a program, a software which already has all the input of what was planned and a follow-up that the Ministry of Agriculture will be able to do from here and the states in their units”.

The PPA Suasa is developed on three pillars: the strategic, the tactical and the operational, where the state agencies will act in ten different areas, ranging from the protection of animal health, quality and identity of products of animal and vegetable origin intended for consumers, passing through agricultural laboratory support, international agricultural surveillance and corporate management. On the other hand, the director highlights some points which are the challenges of national implementation.

“One of the difficulties is having a sufficient and timely budget for the execution of activities and another point is the staff, of sufficient professionals to carry out these activities. These are two points of attention that when in the discussions that were taken before the states it was always vantage point.”

The PPA Sausa has the participation of six Brazilian states, but the expectation is that all states will join the plan. Within the 2023-2027 proposal, the goal is to carry out 103 actions aimed at the inspection and quality of Brazilian agriculture and livestock.

By Brasil 61

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