Mato Grosso Sul: soy production and cattle raising reign in the state’s agriculture

According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), the gross value of agricultural production in Brazil reached approximately R$1.2 trillion. This number reflects the importance of the agricultural and livestock sector for the national economy. Among the country’s regions, the Midwest, South and Southeast stand out, concentrating more than 80% of total revenue.

The state of Mato Grosso do Sul is known for raising cattle. The state has a significant herd and is one of the main beef producers in the country, in addition the state stands out for raising poultry, pigs and sheep.

Mato Grosso do Sul has invested in agricultural technology and research, seeking to increase productivity and adopt sustainable practices, said agronomist Charles Dayler.

“The Midwest region has had this very strong agricultural development, especially since the 1970s with the Green Revolution, and also because of investment that has never been interrupted in the development of agricultural and livestock research by, for example, Embrapa”

Soy also reigns in Mato Grosso do Sul, responsible for 44% of the gross value of state agricultural production of R$ 77 billion. But raising cattle for slaughter generates R$ 14 billion in business and is the second item that generates the most revenue for state agriculture, followed by corn crops.

By Brasil 61

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