MIDR presents National Integration Routes at a family farming fair in Goiânia

MIDR presents National Integration Routes at a family farming fair in Goiânia

The Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR) participated, this Friday (19), at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), in Goiânia, in the 20th edition of Agro Centro-Oeste Familiar, a fair that includes family farming and promotes the discussion of public initiatives for rural development.

At the event, the MIDR national secretary for Regional and Territorial Development Policies, Adriana Melo, presented the National Integration Routes Program, which seeks to promote investments and training in productive chains considered strategic. In partnership with the UFG, Pasta has invested in promoting two poles of the Rota da Fruticultura in the state of Goiás, located in the São Patrício Valley and in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia.

“We invest in projects to add value and train fruit producers, such as pineapple, guava and jabuticaba, and also in the manufacture of sweets, jellies and juices”, says Adriana. “We are inaugurating a new cycle, in which the integration and expansion of the project are foreseen, with the implementation of an agro-industry and the creation of commercialization channels”, she emphasized.

National Integration Routes

The National Integration Routes are networks of local productive arrangements associated with strategic productive chains capable of promoting the productive inclusion and sustainable development of the Brazilian regions prioritized by the National Policy for Regional Development (PNDR). They seek to promote the coordination of public and private actions in selected centers, through the sharing of information and the use of collective synergies in order to promote innovation, differentiation, competitiveness and sustainability of associated enterprises, thus contributing to the inclusion production, innovation and regional development.

Currently, there are 11 recognized Routes: Acai, Biodiversity, Cocoa, Lamb, Circular Economy, Fruit Growing, Milk, Honey, Fashion, Fish and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In all, there are 64 hubs spread across 1,249 municipalities in 17 Brazilian states and the Federal District.

Midwest Agro

The 20th edition of Agro Centro-Oeste Familiar is being held between May 17th and 20th. The event has established itself as a space for family farmers to present their production and participate in public discussions, based on actions and topics prioritized by farmers. The meeting also includes companies, public managers and organized civil society. This year, the fair will have 115 exhibitors, the largest number of stalls in the history of the event. Of the total, 20 are from agrarian reform settlers and 12 from quilombolas.

By Brasil 61

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