Minha Casa Minha, Vida starts contracting new projects

Minha Casa Minha, Vida starts contracting new projects
Minha Casa Minha, Vida starts contracting new projects
The Minha Casa Minha Vida program starts hiring new projects for housing units as of this Friday (16). The announcement was made by the Minister of Cities, Jader Filho, at an event in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

According to the minister, the first ordinances of the program were signed on Thursday (15) and will be published this Friday afternoon, in the Official Diary of the Union. “With this, the mayors, the entrepreneurs can now start registering their projects so that we can start making the new contracts for Minha Casa Minha Vida”, he said.

Jader Filho explained that, at this first moment, only projects contracted with funds from the Residential Leasing Fund (FAR) will be accepted.

“Next week, we sign the rural one (aimed at families in the rural area) and, shortly after that, the entities one (aimed at families organized in an associative way). I believe that, by the end of next week, all the ordinances will be signed”.

The minister also explained that, of the nearly 83,000 units that were paralyzed when the current government took over at the beginning of the year, 15,000 have already been resumed. The forecast is to resume another 25 thousand until the end of the year.

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Economia,Minha Casa,Minha Vida,Contratações,Ministro das Cidades,Jader filho

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