Minister announces investments in power transmission

The expansion of transmission lines is part of the National Plan for Investment in Energy Transmission and is a priority agenda for the governors of the Northeast. The undertakings will be used to transport renewable energy generation, especially wind and solar energy, from the region’s states.
“The auctions, so fundamental and essential for this to happen, will happen and will bring more than R$ 56 billion in investments for energy transmission in the Northeast. In this first semester, R$ 16 billion will be auctioned, and another R$ 20 billion until the end of 2023, and another R$ 20 billion are already scheduled for next year”, he said.
Scheduled for June 30th, the first transmission auction will offer nine lots in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Sergipe, involving a total of 6,184 km of new transmission lines. The second auction is scheduled for October and will offer three lots.
The minister said that the plan will also help expand renewable energy generation in the Northeast, which should contribute to the region’s development.
“We are fully focused on this task, we work to enable the installation of this incredible potential of 30 gigawatts of renewable generation and this should unlock more than R$ 120 billion in private investments in the area of renewable generation. The region’s vocation for the energy transition is undeniable and the leadership of the Northeast will be guaranteed with concrete actions”, stated Silveira.
“We are going to transform the Northeast into a storehouse of clean and renewable energy in Brazil. This will unlock the industrialization potential of the region with clean and cheap energy and all this progress will keep the focus and attention on the social, economic and environmental development of the Northeast”, completed.
The minister also said that the expansion of energy transmission lines will contribute to greater energy security and also to reasonable tariffs.
“Investments in transmission will make it possible for renewable energy to enter our national system and reduce costs for our consumers. We are going to move forward on the energy transition agenda, we all know our potential, we are going to leverage new renewable plants, with fair tariffs, energy security, environmental responsibility and the generation of decent jobs and income”, he said.
Foto de © Beth Santos/Secretaria-Geral da PR
Economia,Energia,linha de transmissão,Aneel,Leilão