Minister of Agriculture inaugurates decentralized unit in Sorriso

Minister of Agriculture inaugurates decentralized unit in Sorriso
Minister of Agriculture inaugurates decentralized unit in Sorriso
The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, inaugurated yesterday (10) the first decentralized Regional Technical Unit for Agriculture and Livestock (UTRA), in Sorriso (MT). the office of Ministry will provide portfolio services with the aim of getting closer to the rural producer and the agroindustry in the region.

The Mato Grosso unit will be responsible for production control services, quality assurance and promotion of regional development in 50 municipalities, in a region that will extend from Xingu to Sapezal.

In a press conference, Minister Carlos Fávaro highlighted that the choice of Sorriso to host the first UTRA is due to the relevance of the municipality in the scenario of Brazilian agriculture. “It is a sustainable development pole city, which represents the essence of Brazilian agriculture, with the integration not only of soy and corn, but also to verticalize our production. The region deserves this more constant support”.

The minister revealed that there was difficulty in hiring personnel to work in the decentralized unit, which made it impossible to inaugurate the UTRA in Sorriso. But, that the problem was overcome, in the government of president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. “That year, President Lula’s government launched a competition for civil servants, which then allowed us to start moving forward with decentralization”.

“We are moving forward with decentralization to bring the ministry closer to the producing regions, so that processes are faster, quicker, more efficient, making agricultural production in the country more competitive”, highlighted the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro.

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock added that the federal government will continue to decentralize the ministry’s services to benefit Brazilian agribusiness, with other units of the Map in Mato Grosso. “It’s a natural process: we put the ministry closer, with agronomists and veterinarians closer to production and, with that, decentralize and provide more agility”.

During the inauguration of the first Regional Technical Unit for Agriculture and Livestock, the mayor of Sorriso (MT), Ari Lafin, thanked the installation of the branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in the municipality. “The office inaugurated in our municipality will bring much more speed to situations that, sometimes, had to be discussed in Cuiabá (MT) or in Brasília. The team already presented is extremely competent, with vast experience and will serve more than 50 municipalities in this region”, celebrated the mayor.

Federal Government and Agro

To reinforce the federal government’s commitment to agribusiness, the minister recalled that the federal government launched at the end of June, the Crop Plan 2023/2024 with a record amount of BRL 364.22 billion for financing agriculture and livestock farming.

Fávaro also said that the slogan of the federal government that preaches the “Union and reconstruction” is propitious to the Brazilian agribusiness, since January 1st.

“The union is of all those, men and women, who understand that the election is over and who, legitimately, had their candidate, supported, financed within the legal limits, were able to demonstrate. Everything was within normal limits. So, after the election, all those who want to look forward will find the doors open to President Lula’s government. Then, in 2026, each one will also be able to choose their candidate, support, make the election flow, within democratic limits. And the reconstruction is to make policies, more and more, aimed at the development of this country”.

“Once the election is over, all those who want to look forward will find the doors open to President Lula’s government”.

At the other end, the mayor of Sorriso, Ari Lafin, defended the understanding. “One of my hallmarks has always been good dialogue, always sitting down and talking. So, I always ask everyone and the community: Brazil needs, at this moment, to seal its hands and work together”.

Finally, the mayor also claimed more support from the federal government to improve logistics to transport agricultural production, with the duplication of the federal highway BR-163, the extension of the railroad to the municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde (MT); and the construction of the railway section that connects the Port of Miritituba (PA) to Sinop (MT).

Foto de © Carlos Silva/Mapa

Ministério da Agricultura,Unidade descentralizada,Soja,Milho,UTRA,Recursos Públicos,Economia

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