Ministry of Finance presents 17 proposals for financial reforms

Ministry of Finance presents 17 proposals for financial reforms
Ministry of Finance presents 17 proposals for financial reforms
The Ministry of Finance presented this Thursday (20) 17 proposals for financial reforms in the country. The actions, presented by private sector entities, involve measures in the taxation, insurance, pension, capital market and credit segments.

The Financial Reforms Agenda – 2023-2024 Cycle began with an invitation to 40 private sector associations, which sent 120 proposals to the government, of which 17 were selected to receive priority.

“There are several proposals that we are making in dialogue with the private sector to implement a series of small reforms that, together, will have a very significant impact on the Brazilian economy.

Each proposal will be worked on by a thematic team, starting in August. For one year, the team will discuss the matter and, at the end, prepare a report, which should be delivered in May 2024.

“The idea of ​​this agenda is to set up discussion subgroups for each of these 17 topics, so that, starting next year, we can start transforming them into bills, public policy initiatives to implement these reforms that are very important for the country”, said the secretary.

“We received a hundred proposals. And we selected the 17 that can effectively impact more and in the short term, if we work together, as a team, and formulate innovative solutions for well-identified specific problems. If we know how to deal with this, every semester, we will have a new agenda”, said the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, during the presentation of the proposals, in Rio de Janeiro.

Among the associations that had selected proposals are the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities (Anbima), the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) and the Brazilian Association of Real Estate Credit and Savings Entities (Abecip).

Check out the proposals for financial reforms:

Foto de © Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil

Ministério da Fazenda,Propostas,reforma financeira,entidades privadas,Economia

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