Ministry of Justice will investigate allegations of coup against BNDES

The BNDES president, Aloizio Mercadante, delivered this Thursday (18) the complaints, received by the bank’s ombudsman in 2022, to the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino.
The complaints show that fraudsters would be intermediating business using the BNDES name in an irregular manner. Dino said he will call the Federal Police to investigate the cases.
Mercadante reported that some of the messages received contain addresses, telephone numbers and bank account numbers, which may help identify the suspects.
According to the BNDES, 94% of the complaints received last year dealt with this type of scam. From the first half of 2015 to December 31, 2022, complaints of irregular intermediation by third parties accounted for 78.57% of the total.
The bank’s president warns that the BNDES does not carry out operations through individuals. In case of doubts, the citizen can contact us by phone 0800 702 6337.
Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil
Economia,BNDES,golpes,Ministério da Justiça