Minority shareholders nominate candidates for Petrobras boards

For the Board of Directors, the names of José João Abdalla Filho, considered one of the largest individual investors of B3 (Bolsa de São Paulo), and Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, manager of equity funds, were appointed by the common minority shareholders.
For the Supervisory Board, the ordinary members appointed lawyer Michele da Silva Gonsales Torres as a member and accountant Aloisio Macário Ferreira da Silva as an alternate.
The preferred minority shareholders, in turn, appointed lawyer João Vicente Machado as a member to the Audit Committee, and marketing and strategic planning specialist Rochana Grossi Freire as an alternate.
According to Petrobras’ by-laws, ordinary shareholders are entitled to one seat and preferred shareholders to another on the Audit Committee.
The Union, which is the majority shareholder in Petrobras, had already forwarded its nominations to the two councils.
Foto de © Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil
Economia,Petrobras,Conselho Fiscal,Conselho de Administração,Indicações