Mixture of biodiesel ao diesel becomes 12% as of April

With the measure, the forecast is that there will be an increase of 2 cents in the price of diesel at the pump for the consumer. “We carried out in-depth technical studies to prevent it from having a very serious economic impact on the price of diesel and, therefore, we came to the conclusion that the most consistent number (it is 12%), which has practically no impact, 1 cent for every 1% of increase in the composition (of biodiesel)”, explained the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, in an interview after the meeting.
The mixture of biodiesel in diesel, as well as the mixture of ethanol in gasoline, was instituted with the aim of reducing pollutant emissions harmful to the environment and the health of the population. In March 2021, the CNPE authorized the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) to raise the percentage to 13%, but the measure was revised by the government of Jair Bolsonaro in an attempt to curb the increase in fuel prices.
With today’s decision, the addition of biodiesel will rise to 12% as of April this year, 13% in April 2024, 14% in April 2025 and 15% in April 2026. “Without prejudice to the CNPE, at any moment, to be able to revisit these numbers”, explained Alexandre Silveira.
According to the minister, the decision aims to balance several aspects, such as environmental, productive and social issues. While the biodiesel industry and environmentalists expected a faster increase in this percentage, the measure weighs heavily on the consumer’s pocket and is criticized by the transport sector, which points to a lack of biofuel quality for mixtures above 10%, which would cause mechanical problems. in vehicles, such as the formation of sludge in engines.
Silveira explained that the automotive industry is pacified around the world that increasing biodiesel by up to 15% does not harm the operation of engines and equipment with this mixture content. “We are developing studies to be able to provide more security in the increase of biodiesel, taking into account the technical, commercial, but, fundamentally, social balance, which is the great spectrum of President Lula’s government, fighting inequality in the country”, said the minister. .
social seal
The measure meets the guidelines of the National Biofuel Policy (RenovaBio). In force since 2017, the policy deals with the sustainable expansion of the production and use of biodiesel, aiming at regional development, the social inclusion of small producers and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
“When Lula, in his first term, created biodiesel (National Program for the Production and Use of Biodiesel), it had a social aspect, with the objective of reaching the families of jatropha and castor bean planters, in the semi-arid and North and Northeast, and that got lost along the way,” said Alexandre Silveira.
According to the minister, today, 86% of the biodiesel consumed in the country comes from soy or from large producers. For this reason, the return of a social seal was also approved this Friday by the CNPE, given to the industry by the Ministry of Agrarian Development, which proves the origin of the raw material used to produce biodiesel.
Silveira explained that the purchase of 20% of raw material from semi-arid regions, which includes the north of Minas Gerais, and the North and Northeast of the country, will be mandatory. According to him, this will happen based on a schedule, to ensure that there is a supply of inputs for the industry to purchase in this market. “That is, with an increase in the participation of family farming in the biodiesel project”, he said.
pricing policy
The CNPE, presided over by the Minister of Mines and Energy, is an advisory body to the President of the Republic for the formulation of energy policies and guidelines. The council is made up of 16 ministers of state, two members of academia and two members of civil society.
According to Silveira, at the next meeting, still without a defined date, the group should start discussing the fuel price policy in Brazil.
“The government will pursue (price reduction) with great determination, parsimony, balance, because we know that we have to reconcile the nature of Petrobras itself, which is a publicly traded company, listed on the stock exchange, but we know that the Constitution and the Law of State-owned companies foresee the social role of Petrobras and other oil companies that are exploring the Brazilian coast. So, with a lot of dialogue, tranquility, we will really seek to prioritize the social role of fuels in Brazil”, he said.
Foto de © Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil
Economia,diesel,biodiesel,CNPE,Lula,ministério de minas e energia,Alexandre Silveira,Biocombustíveis