More than half of MEI’s have not yet settled the company’s accounts with the Federal Revenue Service

More than half of MEI’s have not yet settled the company’s accounts with the Federal Revenue Service
As of May 20, 6,630,179 individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs) had already submitted the Simples Nacional Annual Declaration (DASN-SIMEI) to the Federal Revenue Service for the calendar year 2023. At the end of last year, the agency counted 15,719 .345 CNPJs active as MEIs. Therefore, there are still 9 million — more than half (57.8%) — of individual microentrepreneurs left to fulfill the obligation.

The deadline ends on May 31st. The measure is mandatory and serves to inform the company’s annual income in the previous year, in this case, in 2023. Anyone who does not do so will have a pending payment with the Federal Revenue Service and must pay a fine of 2% for each month of delay (with limit of up to 20%) on the total amount of taxes declared. The minimum value is R$50.

For MEIs with headquarters located in municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, the deadline to submit the DASN-SIMEI was extended until July 31, due to the public calamity situation caused by the rains in the state.

According to the classification established by the federal government, to qualify as a MEI, the enterprise must have annual revenue of a maximum of R$81 thousand; hire a maximum of one employee; not be a partner, owner or administrator of another company; and not having or opening a branch later.

Advantages of MEI

  • Social security benefits (sickness benefit, maternity leave and retirement)
  • Issuance of invoice
  • Access to better credit line conditions
  • Participation in government procurement processes

Therefore, Sebrae’s customer relationship manager, Ênio Pinto, clarifies the importance of delivering the Annual Declaration.

“It is important that you make (the declaration) to show the government that you remain within the revenue limit that allows you to act as an individual micro-entrepreneur, so that you continue to be entitled to the entire social security package to which you are entitled from the moment which is MEI, makes its payments on time and has its annual declaration also submitted on time.”

Even those who had no income in 2023, but already had their CNPJ active as MEI, need to submit their DASN-SIMEI by May 31st.

Confectioner Fernanda Pinheiro Portela started her own business as MEI in the city of Brasília in 2018: Fê Portela Confeitaria. “At the time, I worked as a CLT and started combining it with the confectionery. At first it worked inside my apartment. Conventional stove, stirring sweets in the early morning. And a dream that came true in December last year was that we opened our physical store in the garage of our house”, she says.

This year, Fernanda has already handed over DASN-SIMEI. “For me, it allows organization and financial transparency for my business. I believe it is essential to have a consolidated base.”

The MBA professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Eduardo Maróstica, remembers that individual micro-entrepreneurs need to submit at least two income declarations per year: the Simples Nacional Annual Declaration and the Personal Income Tax Declaration (IRPF).

“Obviously you, as an individual, will include in your IR the businesses for which you have a corporate purpose. In this case, if you have a company categorized in Simples Nacional, your Income Tax Declaration will include the gains arising from your company that is in Simples Nacional.”

Step by step

To declare your annual income as MEI, simply access the Entrepreneur Portal. The technical analyst at Sebrae de Santa Catarina, Sueli Lyra, explains the process step by step.

“Access the portal Click on ‘I’m already MEI’ and then on Annual Billing Statement. Enter your CNPJ number, select the year of the declaration — in this case referring to the year 2023. Enter the total amount of revenue by the company; be it service, commerce, industry and transport. Select whether or not you had employees during that period. And a summary of all contributions paid by you that year will appear. Click submit the declaration and that’s it. Fast, easy and free.”

MEI week

In the same month that the deadline for submitting the Annual Simples Nacional Declaration ends, Sebrae promotes MEI Week across the country, between May 20th and 24th. This is the 15th edition of the event which, this year, has the theme “Enough together with Sebrae”. Free of charge, the program includes in-person and online activities, such as lectures, practical workshops, courses, as well as networking and inspiring stories from successful entrepreneurs.

“In May, we took advantage of the fact that individual microentrepreneurs need to make a Simplified Annual Declaration, to interact with small entrepreneurs and deliver relevant content to them throughout the entire business management process. So there will be a day when we will address issues related to finance, on another the issue of planning, on another the issue of sales, including digital sales. It’s about updating the knowledge he needs to have to be at the forefront of this venture and have a greater chance of success”, explains Ênio Pinto.

On Wednesday, May 22nd, Sebrae will hold a D-day in which employees will take to the streets to assist MEI directly. In Brasília, the action will take place at Espaço do Empreendedor, in the square located next to the Feira Central de Ceilândia. The event will be attended by the president of Sebrae, Décio Lima; Minister of Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise and Small Businesses, Márcio França; and the governor of the Federal District Ibaneis Rocha.

The full schedule and other details are available on the page

MEI Week is an opportunity to train and professionalize small businesses

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By Brasil 61

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