Motorcycle production increases by 13.9% in the first half of 2023

According to the association, in the first six months of the year, sales increased by 22.5% compared to the first half of 2023, with the registration of 780,070 motorcycles. In June, 140,387 motorcycles were sold, up 16.2% over the same month last year. The average daily sales in June, which had 21 business days, was 6,685 units.
The best-selling category in the semester was Street, with 408,942 units, reaching 52.4% of market share. In second place was Trail (145,364 motorcycles and 18.6% of the market), followed by Motoneta (104,543 units and 13.4%).
The balance also showed that 114,816 low-capacity motorcycles were licensed in June, which corresponds to 81.8% of the market. The medium displacement models had 21,120 units registered (15% of the market), while the high displacement models had 4,451 (3.2%)
Review of projections
After recording the best mark in motorcycle production in the first half since 2014, Abraciclo revised its projections for the year 2023. According to Abraciclo, production should reach 1.56 million units, representing an increase of 10. 4% compared to last year.
“Based on associates’ projections, combined with a favorable macroeconomic scenario for the second half, we believe that the industry will achieve growth of more than 10%”, said Abraciclo’s president, Marcos Bento.
According to estimates, retail sales should total 1.511 million units, with growth of 10.9% compared to last year. Exports should reach 49,000 motorcycles, down 11.5% compared to 2022.
Foto de © CNI/José Paulo Lacerda/Direitos reservados
Abraciclo,Motocicletas,Polo Industrial de Manaus,Economia