MP may facilitate transfers for preventing and fighting fires

It is in Congress’ hands to approve a provisional measure published last week that facilitates the release of resources to states that need to fight fires. The demand came from the parliamentarians themselves in light of the emergency situation of fires that are affecting much of the country.

Budget advisor Cesar Lima recalls that last week the federal government had already issued another provisional measure, releasing R$514 million in credit to combat forest fires throughout the country. But this measure has a different character.

“This measure is a little different, it does not open credit, but it makes it easier for governments to receive money, make loans and borrow money from financial institutions even if they have outstanding debts in the market,” explains Cesar Lima.

How to access the resources?

To have access to the resources, the state must have a state of public calamity or emergency situation recognized by the federal government. And this access is valid during the period in which this state of calamity is in effect.

“It could be purchasing equipment, hiring specialist companies to restore forests that have been destroyed, all of this is possible with the loans that may be taken out,” explains Cesar Lima.

Furthermore, the provisional measure provides that states will also be able to import equipment, software or other services if national suppliers are unable to meet orders.

BURNINGS: MS publishes guidelines for public managers to minimize the effects of smoke on health

Brazil sees 107% increase in forest fires

By Brasil 61

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