New framework is essential for fiscal balance, assesses PGFN

New framework is essential for fiscal balance, assesses PGFN
New framework is essential for fiscal balance, assesses PGFN
The new fiscal framework brings the logic of looking at public accounts in an integral way and is fundamental for the fiscal balance of the country. This statement was made by the Attorney General of the National Treasury, Anelize de Almeida. The National Treasury Attorney General’s Office (PGFN) advised the Ministry of Finance in drafting the new tax rule.

The project of the new tax regime was voted in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies completed on Wednesday (24).

“The new fiscal framework has the logic of looking at the public accounts system in an integral way, it perceives that revenue is on the rise, it perceives whether expenditure has exceeded the limit, which is an acceptable limit. The needs of the population are infinite, but the resources are finite and it is part of the government to look at this in an integrated way”, said Anelize de Almeida, in an interview with the program Brazil on agendawhich airs this Sunday (28), on TV Brazilat 22:30.

The Attorney General of the National Treasury, Anelize Lenzi Ruas de Almeida during an interview for the Brasil em Pauta program, recorded in the external area of ​​the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center (CCBB).  TV Brazil

“New fiscal framework has the logic of looking at the system of public accounts in an integral way’, highlights the attorney general of the National Treasury, Anelize de Almeida – TV Brazil

The new tax regime for Union accounts will replace the current spending cap. After going through the House, the text goes to the Federal Senate for analysis. “It is very important that, within this new logic, both collection and expenditure are balanced so that the tax burden is not much higher than the taxpayers’ ability to pay and that expenditures are not too short of infrastructure investment needs, needs of social policies such as Minha Casa, Minha Vida, such as the More Doctors Program, for example”, explained the attorney general of the National Treasury.

In addition to the fiscal framework, another topic under discussion in the National Congress related to collection and public accounts is the tax reform which, according to Anelize de Almeida, if approved, will bring benefits to citizens and the three spheres of government. “It is a reform that seeks to simplify the tax system, which has as one of its pillars reducing litigation”, he said. And he added: “It will make life easier for citizens, it will facilitate the federative relationship between the Union, states and municipalities. Tax reform is an ambitious project.”

According to her, the reform would guarantee rationality to the tax system and reduce regressivity. “The Brazilian tax system is very regressive, which means that it falls on the shoulders, it is borne by those people who have a lower income. For example, a small child wears a diaper, and a person who earns BRL 1,000 and someone who earns BRL 10,000 pays the same amount in tax on that, it weighs much more for a person who earns less and that is very cruel. ”

In the week in which the National Day of Respect for Taxpayers was celebrated, on May 23, Anelize de Almeida said that one of the functions of the Attorney General of the National Treasury is to help citizens and companies to fulfill their tax duties in the simplest way , easier and more accessible. She also spoke about the Zero Litigation Program, for tax regularization, which provides for the possibility of debt renegotiation. The initiative is from the Federal Revenue.

“There are many national and international studies that show that, the more regular the citizen and the company are, the more this generates jobs, the more this returns to society, so it is not interesting that people are in debt”, he said. The PGFN is the body responsible for registering debts in the Union’s public debt.

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Economia,novo arcabouço fiscal,novas regras fiscais,PGFN,Brasil em Pauta,Anelize de Almeida,TV Brasil

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