Number of monthly transactions via Pix exceeds the 3 million mark

Number of monthly transactions via Pix exceeds the 3 million mark
Number of monthly transactions via Pix exceeds the 3 million mark
The main means of payment for Brazilians, Pix broke a record in March. According to figures released this Wednesday (19) by the Central Bank (BC), there were 3,003,362 operations last month.

This was the first time that the system recorded more than 3 million monthly transactions. The amount moved also broke a record, with R$ 1.28 trillion transferred in March.

The growth comes after two straight months of falling Pix usage. In January and February, the amount of transfers was around 2.5 million. The previous record had been recorded in December, when there were 2.873 million operations.

The numbers prove the popularization of the modality, which since March 2021 has become the main means of payment for Brazilians. This Wednesday, BC released research showing that Pix is ​​the second instant transfer system most used in the world, second only to India.

Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

Economia,PIX,banco central

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