NURSING FLOOR: Credit sanctioned by the Executive does not pay 1/3 of professionals working in municipalities

NURSING FLOOR: Credit sanctioned by the Executive does not pay 1/3 of professionals working in municipalities
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sanctioned, last Friday (12), the Bill No. 14,581, of 2023, which opens a special credit of R$ 7.3 billion in the National Health Fund budget to guarantee states and municipalities the payment of the national floor for nursing workers. In the assessment of the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM), the measure does not guarantee payment of the floor to professionals.

According to the confederation’s calculations, the amount sanctioned “does not pay ⅓ of the floor of the health professionals who work in the Municipalities”. use signed by the president of the entity, Paulo Ziulkoski, the CNM also questioned the continuity of the aid by the federal government for the payment of the minimum wage to the category. “In addition, it is a resource only for 2023, not permanent for continued expenditure, does not bring regulations on the form of distribution and transfer, and is intended only for specialized care professionals, leaving out primary care professionals, as those who attend the Family Health Strategy”.

Still in the communiqué, the CNM presented data that corroborate the budgetary difficulty of meeting the floor proposed by the federal government. “Estimates by the entity show that the impact of the floor on the Municipalities alone will be R$ 10.5 billion this year. However, Law 14,581/2023 was limited to allocating BRL 3.3 billion to local entities, despite being the municipal sphere that absorbs the greatest financial impact with the institution of the floor. It should be noted that the Municipalities have more than 589,000 nursing jobs in their staff and, with the measure in force, run the risk of reducing 11,849 primary care teams, dismissing more than 32,500 nursing professionals and, consequently, unassisting almost 35 million Brazilians”.

For the deputy mayor of Cristais (MG), Leonardo Oliveira, the government needs to create some kind of compensation when it decides to increase expenses that directly affect the municipalities, “because it is here, at the end, in the municipalities, that things happen”. For the manager, the ideal thing is to recalculate the values ​​passed on by the Union, through the Municipalities Participation Fund (FPM).

“If we don’t get an increase (of the FPM), we also won’t be able to pay the base for nurses, the base for teachers and other levels that will come later”.

Criteria for transfers

The Ministry of Health published a concierge which defines the criteria for transferring resources. The amounts will be released via special credit to the National Health Fund (FNS), and will be divided among more than 5,500 Brazilian cities and 27 federative units. According to the Ministry, “the apportionment took into account the economic and regional profile of the cities to ensure that all of them received a minimum percentage of resources. A correction factor was also applied to the division, progressively benefiting locations with lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita”.

Values ​​and quota

According to Law No. 14,434, the new base salary for nurses hired under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) regime is R$ 4,750; nursing technicians receive at least BRL 3,325 and nursing assistants and midwives BRL 2,375. The floor applies to workers in the public and private sectors.

The most recent survey by the Federal Council of Nursing points out that, currently, there are more than 2.8 million professionals in the sector in the country. There are 693 thousand nurses, 450 thousand nursing assistants and 1.66 million nursing technicians.


The nursing floor was created in 2022. The proposal was approved by Congress and sanctioned by then President Jair Bolsonaro. But the Federal Supreme Court (STF) suspended the payment, claiming that there were no resources available in the Budget.

Based on claims from the nursing category, the current government presented a new project. Even with the promise that resources are assured, the movement provokes reactions in the three spheres of government – ​​federal, state and municipal.

See more:

Nursing floor: Congress approves project that guarantees payment

Project that regulates the salary floor for nursing professionals provides for payments of up to 4,700 reais

By Brasil 61

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